
(4:00 PM) pentipu Why are the blog templates all shitty looking ones?
(4:00 PM) typofee blog templates for blogspot you mean?
(4:00 PM) pentipu Ya
(4:00 PM) typofee i dunno
(4:00 PM) typofee the new templates are such a bitch on working it out
(4:01 PM) typofee eventho the archiving is spiffy
(4:01 PM) typofee usually stick to the... the... minima punya
(4:01 PM) typofee then you can change things around easier
(4:01 PM) pentipu I have no idea.
(4:02 PM) typofee ala kesian
(4:02 PM) typofee use the simple looking one
(4:02 PM) typofee then you can play around with it
(4:02 PM) typofee yg the white one
(4:03 PM) pentipu I stil have no idea.
(4:03 PM) typofee .....
(4:04 PM) typofee dyou want me to guide you or dyou just want to remain idea-less
(4:04 PM) pentipu I have no idea.
(4:05 PM) typofee damn son.
(4:05 PM) pentipu I know.
(4:06 PM) typofee ok.
(4:07 PM) typofee so
(4:07 PM) typofee why blogspot?
(4:08 PM) pentipu I dunno, probably the most basic
(4:08 PM) typofee are you going to blog in malay or something
(4:08 PM) typofee oooo~~
(4:08 PM) pentipu O so trendy now to blog in Malay
(4:09 PM) typofee ya lor
(4:09 PM) typofee and talk about racy issues
(4:09 PM) typofee as if you're so high on eveyrthing
(4:09 PM) pentipu I'm not going to err..blog. Saja nak transfer my notes in Fesbuk to another medium
(4:09 PM) pentipu There is another?
(4:10 PM) typofee kikiki
(4:10 PM) typofee another what
(4:10 PM) typofee there's livejournal
(4:10 PM) pentipu Right. Any good?
(4:10 PM) typofee yeah
(4:10 PM) typofee it's neat
(4:10 PM) typofee if you need help on the layout i can help you |:
(4:10 PM) pentipu I dont.
(4:10 PM) typofee OK FINE.
(4:11 PM) typofee and why're you listening to coldplay. gasps le pute is listening!
(4:11 PM) typofee there's wordpress, but i dont know how to use it heh
(4:11 PM) typofee but blogspot is for easiest public access so
(4:12 PM) pentipu Wordpress does sound better than livejourney, or journal.
(4:12 PM) typofee o macam ni la
(4:12 PM) typofee but wordpress layouts are bleh
(4:13 PM) pentipu I dont care about layouts. Never did.*coughs*
(4:13 PM) typofee " pentipu says:
Why are the blog templates all shitty looking ones?"

o ic.
(4:13 PM) pentipu *Coughs*
(4:13 PM) typofee oic
(4:14 PM) pentipu I cant find a good domain name
(4:14 PM) typofee iamlepute.blogspot.com
(4:14 PM) pentipu Good idea.
(4:14 PM) typofee yezzaaaaa |:
(4:15 PM) pentipu The blog you were looking for, [his blog which shall not be named] doesn't exist but you can create it now!
(4:15 PM) typofee well
(4:15 PM) typofee have fun creating.
(4:15 PM) pentipu

Sorry, that username already exists!
(4:15 PM) typofee HAHA
(4:16 PM) pentipu *Coughs*
(4:16 PM) typofee dyou need some strepsils or something
(4:16 PM) pentipu Im having one.
(4:16 PM) typofee then it aint working cos you're still coughing so.
(4:17 PM) typofee no [his blog which shall not be named] then? aww
(4:17 PM) typofee but all your buddies are using blogspot
(4:17 PM) pentipu Doesnt matter
(4:17 PM) typofee o trying to be out of the norm eh
(4:17 PM) pentipu As always,
(4:17 PM) typofee buh.
(4:18 PM) pentipu What is buh
(4:18 PM) typofee buh.
(4:18 PM) pentipu What is
(4:19 PM) typofee idk
(4:19 PM) typofee i dunno
(4:19 PM) pentipu IDK stands for I dont know?
(4:19 PM) typofee yes.
(4:19 PM) pentipu ID stands for I dunno?
(4:20 PM) typofee if you like it that way, then yes
(4:20 PM) pentipu *Puts in dictionary*
(4:21 PM) typofee credit me pls tq
(4:21 PM) pentipu Sure
(4:21 PM) typofee thanks bb
(4:21 PM) pentipu What is BB?
(4:21 PM) pentipu Bye bye?
(4:21 PM) typofee no
(4:21 PM) pentipu Buh buh?
(4:22 PM) typofee ahahahaha
(4:22 PM) typofee you can take it that way too
(4:22 PM) typofee ahahha
(4:22 PM) pentipu Why are you laughing?
(4:22 PM) typofee cannot me
(4:22 PM) typofee h
(4:22 PM) pentipu ?
(4:22 PM) pentipu H stands for?
(4:23 PM) pentipu Ha?
(4:23 PM) pentipu HHHHHHHHH
(4:23 PM) pentipu Hi?
(4:23 PM) pentipu HHHHHHHH
(4:23 PM) typofee HO
(4:23 PM) pentipu HHHHHHHH
(4:23 PM) typofee HHHHHHHHH
(4:24 PM) pentipu O
(4:24 PM) typofee IC
(4:24 PM) pentipu IC stands for?
(4:24 PM) pentipu I can't?
(4:25 PM) typofee i seee
(4:25 PM) typofee o i see
(4:25 PM) typofee OIC
(4:25 PM) typofee HHHHHHHH
(4:25 PM) pentipu Shouldn't that be like, OIS?
(4:26 PM) pentipu Or IS?
(4:26 PM) typofee but if you say OIC out loud, it's equivalent to oh i see
(4:26 PM) typofee so this one doesnt have to follow the rule
(4:26 PM) pentipu But S isn't C.
(4:26 PM) pentipu You are cheating.
(4:27 PM) typofee it's a universal agreement, i'm not cheating.
(4:27 PM) pentipu Everybody's cheating.
(4:27 PM) pentipu Except me.
(4:27 PM) typofee *COUGHS*
(4:27 PM) pentipu *C*
(4:27 PM) typofee WTF
(4:28 PM) pentipu WTF is?
(4:28 PM) typofee that doesnt work like that!
(4:28 PM) typofee you're cheating!
(4:28 PM) pentipu Where's the fun?
(4:28 PM) pentipu WTF?
(4:29 PM) typofee no
(4:30 PM) typofee -_-
(4:30 PM) pentipu -_- stands for what?
(4:30 PM) typofee it's a face
(4:30 PM) pentipu This one is probably the hardest.
(4:30 PM) typofee are you being serious or
(4:30 PM) pentipu I am always serious.
(4:30 PM) pentipu A face?
(4:30 PM) typofee .
(4:31 PM) pentipu You kidding?
(4:31 PM) typofee yes
(4:31 PM) pentipu O
(4:32 PM) typofee ok dear i gotta get ready
(4:32 PM) typofee the boys' picking me up
(4:32 PM) typofee papai
(4:32 PM) pentipu O
(4:32 PM) pentipu *C*
(4:32 PM) pentipu HF!
(4:32 PM) typofee what's with the *C*
(4:32 PM) typofee WHAT'S HF
(4:32 PM) pentipu You're slow.
(4:32 PM) pentipu YS
(4:32 PM) typofee WHAT'S HFFFFFFFFF
(4:33 PM) typofee he fierce?
(4:33 PM) typofee he fucks?
(4:33 PM) typofee ew
(4:33 PM) pentipu NIK
(4:33 PM) typofee WHAT
(4:33 PM) pentipu HHHYS
(4:33 PM) pentipu SS
(4:46 PM) typofee ok he's not here yet
(4:46 PM) typofee what do all those mean anyway
(4:47 PM) typofee you're cheating
(4:47 PM) typofee YC
(4:47 PM) pentipu Who?
(4:47 PM) typofee you
(4:47 PM) pentipu M?
(4:47 PM) typofee Y
(4:47 PM) pentipu IDU?
(4:47 PM) typofee IDE
(4:47 PM) pentipu SAI
(4:48 PM) typofee WITA
(4:48 PM) pentipu IAT
(4:48 PM) pentipu IAT,N!
(4:48 PM) typofee W?
(4:48 PM) pentipu NM
(4:49 PM) typofee W
(4:49 PM) typofee WWWWWWWWWWW
(4:49 PM) pentipu HHHHHHYKN
(4:49 PM) typofee DY
(4:49 PM) pentipu HHHHH
(4:50 PM) typofee WWWWWWWW
(4:50 PM) pentipu HHHHHHHH
(4:50 PM) typofee WWWWWWW
(4:50 PM) typofee WIN
(4:50 PM) typofee ok i go now
(4:50 PM) typofee papai